
Upcoming Conferences


If your organization has a conference related to mental health in schools, please let us know so we can list it here.
Also see the webinar list we amass for a sampling of what is available --https://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/webcast.htm  .

American Federation of Teachers, Houston, TX 7/22-25-24 https://www.aft.org/event/aft-convention-2024

National Dropout Prevention Center conference, New Orleans 10/13-16, 2024 https://web.cvent.com/event/17a6d8ce-c738-4c03-921f-ce3feef5ddda/summary?RefId=NCPC%20Website

National Assembly for Family Engagement in Education October 23-25, 2024 Denver, CO https://www.engagementassembly.org/event/57b33061-3cdf-4095-ae2f-3ada5df513ae/summary

International Network for School Attendance conference, 10/30-11/1/2024, New Orleans https://www.insa.network/

National Association of School Psychologists annual convention, Seattle, WA. 2/18-21/2025 https://www.nasponline.org/professional-development/2024-nasp-annual-convention

School Social Workers Association of America National Conference, Atlanta, Ga 4/9-12/ 2025 https://www.sswaa.org/national-conference





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National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention

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Web Master: Perry Nelson (smhp@ucla.edu)