Special Resource Material Developed by the Center

Title: Promoting Positive Peer Relationships: A Sample of Recent References (Information Resource)

Description: As the literature stresses, peers play a role in social development and learning related to empathy, caring, social responsibility, negotiation, persuasion, cooperation, compromise, emotional control, conflict resolution, and more. Peers also provide social and emotional support and are socialization agents who model and mold others’ behaviors and beliefs and solidify their own. The impact of peers begins with early learning.

Peer relationships at school can facilitate or be a barrier to learning and teaching. Peer relationships can also function as helping interventions. Schools play both a passive and active role.

To highlight all this and to add to the resources already on our Center’s website, below is an annotated sample of references. Most of the annotations are edited excerpts from authors’ abstracts and introductions.

Access at:   http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/peers.pdf  142kb; 8pp