Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Supports  

What's New From the Center?

2024 Over the previous years, our analyses of prevailing school improvement legislation, planning, and literature have delineated fundamental deficiencies, especially with respect to enhancing equity of opportunity and closing the achievement gap.

As schools recover from the pandemic, there are opportunities to move forward in making essential changes.

With this in mind, a major facet of our work in 2024 is to focus school improvement policy and planning on:

For details see the resources listed below.

Moving in New Directions

See  >National Initiative for the Transformation of Student and Learning Supports

 >Student/Learning Supports: A Brief Guide for Moving in New Directions

 >Transforming Student/Learning Supports & Enhancing Equity of Opportunity: A Journey of Lessons Learned

Also see

Below are the latest from the Center's quartely e-journal, weekly community of practice (Practitioner), and monthly ENEWS. For a listing of all Center resources, see the Center's Resource Catalogue for .

  Newsletter Quarterly e-Journal
Addressing Barriers to Learning.

Spring 2024

>Minimizing Referrals Out of the Classroom
>Arguments About Whether Overdiagnosis of ADHD is a Significant Problem
>Turning Big Classes into Smaller Units
>Teachers ask: What do you have that I can use right away?
>The MTSS Continuum: Essential - but Not Comprehensive Enough

Please share widely.

Access to previous issues of this resource are online at


Practitioners Exchange

Community of Practice --
"Weekly Practitioner"

> “How to engage English language learners?”
>How are schools dealing with the negative side effects of school mental health interventions?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources

*Access previous issues of this resource online at >

Examples of previous discussions

Each issue of the Practitioner provides Links to other relevant shared resources

>Should schools screen students for mental health problems?
>A student-centered approach to education involves Personalized instruction and special assistance
>What Fosters School Connectedness?
>Chronic absenteeism is a complex problem not solved by simple strategies
>Too many students with emotional, behavior, and learning problems? What can schools do immediately to start improving student/learning supports?
>Improving Student/Learning Supports is Essential to Enhancing School Climate
>Peer Influences on School Engagement and Disengagement
>How can schools strengthen students' respect for each other?
>What's are schools planning for the rapidly approaching summer?
>A teacher asks:What can teachers do to support mental health of students in classrooms?
>Who are opportunity youth?
>Trying to address absenteeism? Transform student/learning supports!
>FYI: State education guides on the use of artificial intelligence in schools
>Classrooms that address absenteeism
>Changing the Learning Environment to Enhance Student Engagement
>How should schools address gun violence?
>Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis: Some Major Concerns
>How are schools reengaging disconnected students (and families)?
>Students' concerns about seeking mental health help
>After-school programs are essential transition supports
>Addressing the social determinants of chronic absenteeism
>Support for peer-rejected students
>About Student Voice, Participation, and Support
>About Student Empathy and the Holiday Season
>Enhancing teacher/staff well being and retention
>What can schools do when problems are so severe?
>Natural Opportunities for Enhancing Social and Emotional Development
>What is authentic community service? >School board member asks: Why can't all students be mentors?
>How are schools welcoming immigrant & other newcomer students and families?
>Can schools counter hate?
>What's the current state of student supports? the future?
>Community Schools and MTSS Provide a Platform for Transforming Student/Learning Supports
>Teachers Can't and Shouldn't be Expected to Do it Alone
>New insights into risk and enhancing resiliency
>TikTok as a public health tool?
>About threat assessment
>Interventions to promote attendance before it becomes a problem
>Free activities for summer learning and enrichment
>School board member responds to MH in Schools: Moving Beyond the Emergency
>Colleague asks: How to measure school mental health success?
>About reducing teacher burnout
>Interchange about "Screening Students for Problems: Testing Often is Not Needed"
>What's next for a district ready to transform student/learning supports?
>Peer to Peer support for teen mental health
>Engaging and reengaging students -- featuring an effort by Pinellas County to "get middle schools right"
>About mental health in schools as a platform for transforming student/learning supports
>What problems arise when additional MH professionals are brought into a school?
>About Developing Kindness and Compassion & Promoting MH
>Time for Straight Talk about Mental Health Services and MH in Schools
>Evolving Community Schools and Transforming Student/Learning Supports
>How are various sources of funding being braided to improve/transform student/learning supports?
>How should schools improve discipline practices?



>End of the School Year Transitions are Risky Opportunities

  • Continuing Education Through Quick links to online resources
  • A few Stories Excerpted from Various News Sources
  • Comments and sharing from the field


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